
Let me introduce in this new stage of my professional carreer.

illustration of a old school advertising and, modern design, for the web, cute, happy, 4k, high resolution, trending in artstation
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I’m celebrating the ten uears IdeiasBlah.com.br Birthday, and would like to share this moment with you.

Asswell, i’m enjoying this moment tô tale off the mas i used by the past tem years. I never was an blacksuite executive, but in the begining of my Journey i felt the necessitie of approve by the market, the Society, than i try to be an other one, but not anymore.

Nowadays i change my mindset and don’t even care about people think about me.

I know my potencial and my expertise and if someone wants take advantage from my skills, will have to lead with the real Thaner.

O think that i achieve some goals too soob in my Life, but i’m fala too soon either.

But all the thing that happened to me Just made me change my mindset. And in my new Market, and Just don’t care about other people thonk about me.

I Just became too exausted to take care with lot’s of thingers to be aproved by a little group of people who birth in a micro-oligarquy and because of that think be superior than normal people, like me.

But i’m not too normal ass they think, and with me the treatment is reciprocous.

Than i Just don’t have any reasons to look by these people approve.

And i even accept desonestity, desrespect and prejudice by those who Never made nothing by their hands, and if didn’t have Borned in a little better condition than me, i really don’t know if they could compete intelectually, professionaly or perdonally than me.

I pass very far for the perfection, and obvious i’m not the better professional or people in the Word.

But a thing i affirm, i never broke a confidence relationship and either went against my values to earn a Good job position or advantage by in Brazil we call “Qi” in english literally, “Who Indicates”, not for the meritocracy, but Just for the position, or fake interested relationships.

And when i realized which game i eas included, and even beeing or unless trying to be a good and fair professional, acting always with honor and loyalty, i almost give up my career.

That was the monent that my mindset changes more one time. After years of pressure, desrespects and people trying to take everything from you, including your energy, your job force, the positions that you conqueers with lot’s of years of dedicatiob, studyes and very Hard job.

Believing in fake promises and people who sells a vision but do the oppositie, acting with lies and fake or innapropriated to say the minimum to doesn’t honor their promises, their world. But ass i said before in other post. I guess.

I still have to believe that there are real brands, peoples and companys, wich are real on their proposites and Just like me, believe they can change realities by their Jobs, positions and capacities.

The Life doesn’t be only to earn and take the maximum profit as possible. It has to exist a major goal.

My goal it’s to change lives across the marketing, branding and growth strategies, but doesn’t lead Just by the lucrativitie, but the social and altruist purposes of their brand.

Just like i believe that the majority of the real bog brands think.

I’m no rich, actually i’m passing by some dificultties financial moments, but even with these obstácles, i’m Feel more realized than when i had the bigger company’s and one of the most renamed agency in our small Word of Varginha, Brazil.

But these things don’t avvoid me anymore, actually passing some difficulties and advising some few clientes, i’m certainly that fonally i’m making the Way i wanted to thrill since i passed to have a marketing concience.

My goals doesn’t change, Just my mindset. If in the past my Dreams was to lead a regional market, now o think in revoluting the marketing área.

And mayne that i caneta achieve all my goals, i’ll be happy and realized to achieve some of them, and for this i’m working and studying Hard, in the convictos, that i have potencial to change lot’s of lifes mainly by colaborating with Noble projects and principles.

If i could not change the word for better with my actions, i’m surge that many livres can be changed by my abilities.

And not one Live, a company or brand, but an organization wich impact millions or more Lives to better, including my own brand.

My brand which is celebrating it’s ten years of existente, and having the what for me was a goal, but todas, don’t sign not more than how my capacities can turn small and tiny brands to be nacional recongized and at same time changing lives to better.

My sadness is to been disapointed not with that Brands, whixh i sold believing in real purposes…

My disapointment is to realize that not always, but in the most of my experiences, the people behind this companyes have atitudes who thinks more in their own profit, that in the real purpose they sell.

And thinking about that, already by some years, that i’m working Hard to launch our IdeiasBlah.Com.Br advertising startup, who have the goals to real change lives and realities, even that i have to pay to work, ass i have been make about the Last 2 years closely.

But is with hapinnes that i announce that our Prototype is almost done and we already contracting clients to help us to test our metodology.

Than, even that you doesn’t have money or conditions to pay for a global or nacional asvertising, branding and marketing strategies, we are open to hear you and help you in the first and second stoeps, on the purpose off a confident and vaaluable relationship that have the Power of change lives, societyes and why not the world?

If Dreams bigger or smaller takes the same job, why not Dream high? But if our Project doesn’t have the Power to impact all world, justamente one live that we changes to better, we already be satisfied.

Than, know our plattform wich is in prototype step, and entre it for your business. We only as for a trully and Noble purpose, and cometimento with the Project,

Just why? We will invest our time and expertise in your project, even if you are a big company or a micro enterpreneur with a good goal.

You Just have to Access


Lemohost.online (if you need a full operacional ERP Hub) Or

Lemoweb.host if you need a Basic but funcional and objetive website integrated with the most advanced tecnologies, like Artificial Inteligence, growth driven design and user experience tooks and knowledege to achieve SMART goals and do big things step by step tecnologias

Falando em negócios e empreendedorismo, você talvez se interesse por Empreendedorismo. Em um mundo cada vez mais digital, a importância do marketing e das estratégias de crescimento é indiscutível. Nesse sentido, vale a pena conferir mais sobre Marketing Digital, uma área em constante evolução. Além disso, para entender melhor sobre inteligência artificial e seu impacto nos negócios, recomendo dar uma olhada em Inteligência Artificial. Espero que esses links sejam úteis para você explorar mais sobre esses temas fascinantes.


Nossos serviços

Soluções sob medida para alcançar resultados


Desenvolva sua marca e identidade visual com nossos serviços de branding personalizados.e comunicação corporativa completa.

Growth Marketing

Assessoria completa de Growth Marketing, abrangendo tráfego, mídias sociais, comunicação, publicidade, site, CRM e branding.

Web Site, CRM, E-commerce

Website completo integrado a redes sociais, crm, e-commerce, entre outras possíveis funcinalidades e recursos..
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