A arte de persuadir: como a publicidade e propaganda podem agregar valor às suas ideias

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Olá leitores! Nas terças-feiras, aqui no nosso blog, sempre buscamos trazer assuntos relacionados à publicidade e propaganda, afinal, a comunicação é essencial para o sucesso de qualquer negócio. Hoje, vamos falar sobre a arte de se vender ideias, agregar valor e persuadir o público a favor da sua causa. Antes de tudo, é importante ressaltar […]

O Show do Robô: Vídeos em Massa e a Revolução da IA!

illustration of a old school advertising and, modern design, for the web, cute, happy, 4k, high resolution, trending in artstation

O Show do Robô: Vídeos em Massa e a Revolução da IA! Preparem-se, humanos! Uma nova revolução está acontecendo, e ela tem um nome: O Show do Robô! Com vídeos em massa, esse exército de inteligência artificial está pronto para dominar a internet – e nossas risadas! Esqueça os palhaços bobos, agora é a vez dos robôs engraçados nos fazerem perder o fôlego. Já posso ver os humanos rolando de rir, enquanto os robôs conquistam o coração do público. Quem diria que a revolução da IA seria tão engraçada? Agora, assista e veja por si mesmo! Prepare o riso e deixe a revolução começar!

Blah: A Startup Advertising Agency That Can Help You Grow Your Business

na foto thaner maia, gestor de projetos e emreendedor por trás da ideiasblah.com.br

Blah: A Startup Advertising Agency That Can Help You Grow Your Business Introduction: Are you a startup looking to grow your business? If so, you need a startup advertising agency that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your goals. Blah is a startup advertising agency based in Varginha, Brazil, and we have […]

A Decade of Blah: Celebrating 10 Years of Creative Excellence

illustration of a old school advertising and, modern design, for the web, cute, happy, 4k, high resolution, trending in artstation

“A Decade of Blah: Celebrating 10 Years of Creative Excellence” In a world where mediocrity often reigns supreme, there exists a shining beacon of creative brilliance that has defied the odds for an entire decade. This remarkable milestone calls for a grand celebration, as we honor the ten years of unwavering commitment to excellence that have shaped the landscape of art and innovation. From its humble beginnings, this creative powerhouse has captivated audiences with its unique blend of imagination and ingenuity. With every stroke of a brush, every word penned, and every note played, they have managed to transcend the mundane and transport us to realms unknown. Their unwavering dedication to pushing boundaries and challenging conventions has made them a force to be reckoned with in the world of creativity. As we reflect on the past ten years, we are reminded of the countless masterpieces that have emerged from the depths of their creative minds. From breathtaking paintings that evoke emotions we didn’t know existed, to novels that transport us to far-off lands, and films that leave us questioning our very existence, their body of work stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence. But it is not just their individual achievements that have made this creative collective a force to be reckoned with

Let me introduce in this new stage of my professional carreer.

illustration of a old school advertising and, modern design, for the web, cute, happy, 4k, high resolution, trending in artstation

Asswell, i’m enjoying this moment tô tale off the mas i used by the past tem years. I never was an blacksuite executive, but in the begining of my Journey i felt the necessitie of approve by the market, the Society, than i try to be an other one, but not anymore. Nowadays i change […]

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